The couriers that come bearing gifts

I was thinking in the early morning hours about hard times and hard things. And I was thinking how some really big ‘good’ comes through the hardest stuff.
As a girl on the Plains, I memorized scripture by the chapter. Not a day I’m alive that some verse doesn’t come to me, and so in the darkness, it was this one. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).”
Now, this particular promise has conditions on it. It was given specifically to the ones who’ve been adopted by God and are kids at His table. As a young girl with her thick hair pinned up tight beneath a prayer covering, I made that choice, and so all of my life, I have lived in the light of this deal.
Anyway. What happened is that Pain showed up at my door. Pain and Trauma came right in, those dark couriers with menacing faces, but they came bearing gifts.
Because of those visitors and because of my Father’s active hand and presence in my life, every single hard thing has been/is being redeemed. I’ve heard that a broken bone heals up stronger in the broken spot. I don’t know if that’s true, but I think, for me, it’s true on the broken stuff in my heart.
I could have refused to host those visitors. That was certainly one choice I could have made, but again, I have a Dad (remember?). He helps me to receive them for as long as they are needed, and He heals me while we’re working on things. Together.
That’s how big and strong and good He is. He can bring greatest good from the greatest pain. That’s what I want you to know.
He has open spots at His table, and He’s always looking for more kids to join His family. His invitation is open to you. He can help you with those dark visitors, and He can bring so much good from your greatest pain.
I want you to know that, too.
Your friend,