Month: May 2024


May 25, 2024

Lessons from the pine–ever green, even in old age

Standing at the kitchen sink in my quiet country home, I look up. Outside the window, the old pine towers, a stalwart sentinel just there by the drive. At once,

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May 20, 2024

What I didn’t know–words for a young mother

Spring is here at last. With it, the rains have come, and the budding of the leaves, and the flowers. Just before the chicken coop, marigolds march in cheerful rows.

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May 20, 2024

From parents of differently-abled kids, “Please love them”

Backpacks drop. Shoes, they plop. Words rush and tumble like stones swirling about in a bubbling brook. And then it comes. “They’ve abandoned us,” he says. His tone is matter

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May 20, 2024

For angry, anxious kids, help and hope

On various college campuses, they gather. Pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian, anti-Jewish protestors assemble, raising tents, raising Cain, and causing trouble. At Columbia, the young bullies, thugs, and punks have effectively shut down

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May 20, 2024

Oh, boy(s)–report from the motherhood trenches

It was a phenomenon I had noticed before. As the mother of boys who communicated with grunts, finger pointing, and one-syllable words, I’d become an expert. “How was school?” I’d

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May 20, 2024

From razing to raising–the good work of demolition

In Sesame Street parlance, the letter of the day is D, and the word on the street is demolition. But first, a story. Glancing to my left, I see him.

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May 20, 2024

In times of loss and collapse, “Okay”

The images were horrifying. The nation watched, riveted, at the slow turn of the giant ship and its unrelenting slide to destruction. Then the crash, and the bridge, it crumpled

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