Author: Rhonda Schrock


Nov 19, 2021

Cancel culture? Cancel this

It began with a conversation that invited a deeper look. They were difficult words to hear, and I felt the old, sharp discomfort. Then came the whisper that began to

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Nov 18, 2021

Congratulations, thanks, and a little holiday advice

Thank you to all of you who celebrated the launching of the new website with me! It was like opening a long string of presents, reading your comments each day.

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Nov 15, 2021

Tall probation officer meets the tiny American mother

I’ve just boarded the plane in Atlanta. Behind me, the beautiful city of Boston, and my friends. It’s been a wonderful time of connection, and now I’m going home. Here

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New Home


Nov 08, 2021

Welcome to my new home

Welcome to my new home in cyberspace! It was in February or March of this year that I first saw it. One day as I tried to access the blog,

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