Author: Rhonda Schrock


Feb 04, 2008

You Just Can’t Argue With The DNA

This has been a red letter week for me. You witnessed my joy when I got an email from your cousin stating that last week’s story of the boys’ shenanigans

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Jan 30, 2008

Oh, Joy and Gladness

Last night Brave #1 was telling me that we need to do our weekly breakfast thing today (Wed.) instead of tomorrow like we usually do because of some scheduling concerns.

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Jan 28, 2008

A Girl Can Dream, Can’t She?

We’re in the middle of another Indiana snowstorm. Not a blade of grass is showing and if you’re like me, you’re getting plenty tired of battling frostbite in all regions

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Jan 22, 2008

What kind of kids is that man raising?

Later, I told the boys, “This really went together fast. It would have been even faster if I wouldn’t have had to skin a neighbor.” To which Jamison replied, “If

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Jan 22, 2008

There’s Really Nothing Happening Here

“Really?” I say. “Nothing happened?” “Nope.” Out of curiosity I decided to keep a record this week of what really goes on here in the course of a normal, boring

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Jan 14, 2008

We Have Lights, Sound, and Action

There would be no need for a team of experts, you see, if I could just control the remote. We all know, however, that men are born with a remote

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Jan 11, 2008

Teeth! Diapers! Rashes! Cranky baby!

If you haven’t been through this whole thing of having a baby way on behind, it’s hard to explain how surreal it feels to go back and do this all

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Jan 08, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

“The ladies go loco for a brother in a polo.” Jamison, 12/07. Perhaps he thinks a polo showcases his muscles to advantage? He informed me once that a guy’s muscles

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Jan 07, 2008

Extraordinary Moments in Ordinary Days

One thing that was so relaxing about our holidays was the quiet and the lack of rush. As recounted in a previous column, the Schrock festivities were held at Thanksgiving.

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Dec 31, 2007

Just Who is This a Vacation For?

In our household, the boys take the word “vacation” literally. To them it is defined as “the absence of any activity that could remotely be construed as work.” Never mind

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