Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jun 25, 2013

Answers to life’s questions (and funds for college) found in Zone of Radioactivity

I think I found Jimmy Hoffa the other day. Like the Sunday School kid who, knowing of Adam’s creation from dust, thought he’d found him under his bed, the thought

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Jun 24, 2013

Fight for them (and don’t be afraid)

They’re quite a troop, this lively trio, and each one of them’s got a story. This one? Adopted. Chosen by two, received with arms, hearts wide open. Then this one,

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Jun 19, 2013

A life well lived, even at seven

“Guess who came crawling down at 6:36 a.m.??” It’s Mr. Schrock. My face alights, smile cracking wide. “Mr. Birthday?” I type back, hitting send on the BOP (Bright Orange Phone).

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Jun 18, 2013

From WHOA to WAM and SOS, support groups are there

It’s an idea whose time has come. Actually, the country’s been ripe for it since the oil crisis of the Carter administration, but I was young then and hadn’t twigged

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Jun 17, 2013

Because every day is Father’s Day

Fathers and children. My dad and my husband. The raising of families and the men at the forefront. We’d looked, we kids had, to our dad as provider. And now,

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Jun 13, 2013

What the lilacs say

In spring’s fullest bloom, wearing purple dresses, the neighbor’s lilac bush is full, is fragrant. And just like that, I’m back on the farm, running ‘long the lane. At Grandma’s

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Jun 11, 2013

From PJs to trivia, a little nonsense is good for the soul

“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” If Roald Dahl nailed it, then the Schrocks are right up there with the sages. It had been

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Jun 10, 2013

This can be an altar

“My house shall be called a house of prayer.” That’s where he’s speaking from. He tells it straight, our pastor does, and how we love him for it. He lays

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Jun 04, 2013

No voting centers, but battle lines drawn when parents outnumbered

It was a headline that caught my eye. “Where should vote centers be?” it read. And beneath in smaller print, this: “Parties agree on several locations, others still up in

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Jun 03, 2013

And the rainbow’s the sign

Shower finished, I’d been preparing for bed when I breathed a prayer I only pray carefully. “Lord. I need a sign.” Sitting, still, in a season of waiting; a season,

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