Author: Rhonda Schrock


Mar 04, 2013

The kind of fruit that lasts (giving thanks)

I feel it in my chest. A lump of sorrow, and I remember the phone call that came last night. It was my son. “It was so hard, Mom.” My

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Mar 01, 2013

How to redeem the days (“we’re all terminal”)

Oh. Huh. He’s right. I know it. I feel the truth of it, and it snaps my focus ’round right. In a fallen world, we really are all terminal. So.

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Feb 26, 2013

Spunky accessorizer plus Mr. Logic equals happiness

Of all things. There they were, right before me. Displayed in splendor, they sparkled amidst an array of more plebeian styles. I could have sworn they called my name. Having

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Feb 22, 2013

Hey, you! You can let go now

I see you.  I know you because I’ve been in that place.  I know that weight, that thing that’s pressing in, pulling you down – you know, that thing you never

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Feb 19, 2013

Parental policing in pews brings propriety, corrects posture

Driving along, I felt it. There we were, sandwiched between two, one in front and one behind. Why was it that the mere sight of a cruiser could strike instant

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Feb 15, 2013

Dear Judy

Dear Judy, We’ve just come from the church. There you were, lying asleep. Scattered around were flowers sent by folks who cared. And everywhere, photos of a happy, smiling you.

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Feb 14, 2013

Your name is on His lips

FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBloggerHe’d laid it all out on the sofa, pants draping nicely, shirt just so and the cap–oh, the feathered cap placed carefully at the side. Then, with monkey pillow pet

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Feb 12, 2013

In the hands of God, the average becomes the supernatural

It was a rare occurrence. With every account caught up, I stood at the counter, mixing cookies. Grinding oatmeal in the blender, I smiled, thinking of the boys’ delight. They’d

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Feb 07, 2013

When you’re on the far side of the desert

“Why can’t I ‘get’ this thing?” And here, I name it. But there’s more: “I’m lonely; isolated. You know I’m a people person, and for the last few years, I’ve

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Feb 05, 2013

“Career Week” brings excitement for some, exhaustion for others

It wasn’t quite a full-blown grin, but it came close. They’d just straggled in from the bus, my youngest two, plopping shoes, coats and backpacks in an obstacle course through

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