Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jan 29, 2013

Did they know, those moms, what they had?

It’s a joy to watch him. Up and down, back and forth he runs for two solid hours, including commercial breaks. In a move that utterly frustrates opponents, he throws

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Jan 28, 2013

What Heaven looks like

Taking the mike, he begins to pray. To intercede for one who not there; for the boy who lies in a hospital bed in another city, another state. His number

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Jan 25, 2013

When the mountain won’t move

In the brief encounters we’d had there where creativity flowed, the smell of fresh-ground beans filled the air, and lovely pressed-tin ceilings towered, she’d become a trusted mentor.  Dispensing words

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Jan 22, 2013

Writer thankful for a “radiant leg,” hopes that index will drop

“Dear Mr. Schrock,” read the notice. “From the sounds of it, your kids are killing each other by the light of the Christmas tree. Which, of course, they’re supposed to

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Jan 21, 2013

“Who do you think you are?”

How many times had the enemy whispered this in times of defeat to the children of light? How much havoc and devastation had he wrought in the hearts of those

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Jan 18, 2013

When you’re being de-pressed

I’d called her recently, needing insight, seeking wisdom. And she, she dug right in, saying it plain. “Do you know what it is?” she asked. “There is a clinical depression,

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Jan 15, 2013

Parents seek distractions, detox to combat fiscal cliff angst

“What in the world are they thinking?” That’s the question folks are asking in diners, in barbershops and around watercoolers across the country. This is quickly followed by, “And what

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Jan 10, 2013

When He makes you lie down

In a time of personal crisis, she’d come. Come with a sweet southern accent, heart wide open and eyes that really saw. She’d come–no, much more, she’d been sent. Sent

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Jan 08, 2013

In the chaos of “Silent Nights” that aren’t, finding joy

“Boy, this place can go from 0 to 60 in 5. Seconds, that is, which is as long as it takes for the bottom three to hop out of bed

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Jan 07, 2013

“That’s how I feel about you”

“Who will take me?” he’d wondered aloud, sitting beside me in a darkened auditorium. “Shall I walk?” I’d laughed. “Oh, no. Daddy or I can take you. We’ll make sure

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