Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jan 02, 2013

“Enough” to live by

Old year, chapter written. New year, fresh, untouched. “All is well.” I remember the words He’d whispered at the cusp of another new year.  “All is well.” No matter what

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Dec 28, 2012

A Christmas Carol (or ten)

That’s what I told a few of my closest friends on Facebook yesterday. I was kidding (sort of), but I wasn’t lying (not at all).  Even as we speak, the

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Dec 24, 2012

In Egypt seasons, Emmanuel (God is with us)

Standing there in the light of the tree, I open it up. Little, my helper, leans forward, eager to see. I lift the protective covering, and there they are, the

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Dec 21, 2012

If I could, I’d take Miles

Jesus in skin, receiving the needy, a line of humanity bedraggled stretching before him. There, the woman bent with an issue of blood that had kept her weak. Behind her,

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Dec 20, 2012

A miracle for Brady

He was born, the child was, at 24 weeks’ gestation. Just a handful, really; a mere feather on the scales. One pound, 8 ounces it read when they laid him

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Dec 18, 2012

Mama goes to school–and learns a lesson

Well, that was an interesting week.  While the rest of you were going about your daily lives, trotting to work, riding shotgun on the kids and paying your bills, this

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Dec 17, 2012

When you don’t know what to pray

I’d texted in a panic. That quick, she’d called, hearing me out and walking me through. Then she said it, the nugget-truth that turned on the light:  “He always intercedes

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Dec 13, 2012

When you find yourself in a hallway season

Oh, goodness. If that wasn’t just the lesson He’d been teaching, my Sovereign Instructor, for months, years. Doors yet closed. Praising, sacrificial. Wait time, long, and what to do out

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Dec 11, 2012

Low speed in the tech age–is there an app for that?

The scales of justice are out of whack. Wildly so, if you ask me. Why is it that when the demands of life are at their peak, your energy’s gone?

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Dec 07, 2012

A Crayola in His hand

Rainbows. Houses. Families. Animals. Grass, in green. Trees, trunks brown. And yellow, yellow suns shining awkward in the corner of the sky. Who could tell, looking at new crayons marching

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