Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jan 10, 2012

How a “nothing happened” week can look

Wednesday:  By now, mother needs mocha or she will high-center on fabled mid-week hump and will never make it over.  En route to purchasing her “therapy in a cup,” she

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Jan 06, 2012

“Go write”

I may have sniffed, flipping one shoulder up with a dismissive wave of the hand.  “But what if I can’t anymore?  Maybe…maybe I’ll quit.”  He shot me a look.  I

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Jan 03, 2012

Yes and no, giving and taking lead to fun and frustration


Dec 31, 2011

Writer offers list of wishes, but no resolutions for the New Year


Dec 23, 2011

If I could, I’d take Miles

Jesus in skin, receiving the needy, a line of humanity bedraggled stretching before him.  There, the woman bent with an issue of blood that had kept her weak.  Behind her,

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Dec 20, 2011

Easter’s hope began at Christmas

I recalled the message we’d gotten just days before.  “Did you hear the bad news?  He was killed.”  I felt again the shock, the disbelief.  “Oh, no.  Not him.”

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Dec 19, 2011

It’s a madhouse, and that’s a gift

We’d called my mother to say, “Happy birthday.”  Boy Two (aka Kid Kaboom) was singing a seriously goofy, nasal-ly version on a phone upstairs; I was cackling into the phone

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Dec 17, 2011

Ice cream goes a long way in soothing Christmas tree woes

In reality, it was a blessing for the Hoodlum Mentioned Above.  It was a redemption of sorts for him.  You see, the first year we ever got a tree, he

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Dec 16, 2011

Receiving to give – just breathe

I stop.  And think.  In a split second, this-this-and-that rush through my mind, things that aren’t finished yet or tied neatly with a bow. I stop and think and then

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Dec 14, 2011

What you can miss

That’s what it said on the box that held the onion rings.  Sitting there at the local Dairy Queen last night post Boy Three’s Christmas program, I laughed.  Reading it

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