Author: Rhonda Schrock


May 13, 2011

That’s a bitter pill (so I’ll need a mocha)

One of our sons, for instance, came packaged with a strong-willed temperament.  He doesn’t give up easily.  When he sets his mind on something, he hangs on with every fingernail,

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May 10, 2011

It’s a chilly, wet, and crazy season – and where are those goats?

Then April came, and Dawning Generation, the show choir, appeared at the Maple Syrup Festival.  Family came once more.  And once more, we all cheered, clapping and shouting for them

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May 05, 2011

What I didn’t know

Looking back at that girly girl, playing with her dolls, I realize now that there was a lot she didn’t know.  This morning over my fresh-ground coffee, this mother of

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May 03, 2011

Hearts shall pump strong and the crippled shall leap – one day

It was a very special night for them, for the halftime show was to feature the young girls who’d attended cheerleading camp.  For one night, they were going to live

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Apr 27, 2011

When dreams die in the birthing

It was the sixth-grade concert, and our own Boy Three was just there to the right, third row up, standing stiffly amidst a sea of his classmates.  That green shirt

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Apr 26, 2011

Talent? Maybe, but who’ll do the laundry?

It’s there that I always come to again.  The crowds have vanished, and I’m still standing by the washing machine.  Rats.  Still no novel.  I sure wish I could write

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Apr 25, 2011

“God is reell”

He and a host of his tiny friends and classmates had taken their place in the worship service just earlier, waving their palm branches helter skelter as we sang together,

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Apr 21, 2011

Hey you – come out!

We were seated in church on Palm Sunday, voices raised in corporate worship, singing this song: “Hosanna!  Hosanna! You are the God who saves us, Worthy of all our praises!

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Apr 19, 2011

Non-quilter stitches a different kind of crazy quilt

He laughed, knowing that our lawmakers were perfectly safe from the likes of me.  At 4’ 11-1/2”, I need a stepladder just to straighten a collar, much less to perform

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Apr 15, 2011

In mercy severe

After the mountaintop of answered prayer and the great relief the doctor’s words had brought (“his heart is healthy”), I’ve got to tell you – I hit the skids.  Monday came,

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