Author: Rhonda Schrock


Aug 12, 2010

Learning a “gratitude attitude”

What is happening is remarkable.  As I go through my day, something will happen and I’ll think, “Thousand gifts!  I’ve got to write that down!”  Like a bloodhound, I’m on

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Aug 10, 2010

The Great American Novel lives in the Schrock household

While my hatred of math began early (in elementary school), my love of reading began even earlier. When I started reading my hometown newspaper, the Hutchinson News, at the age

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Jul 27, 2010

Schrock household by the numbers (now these are fun)

Fox News, my favorite cable news channel, does an interesting segment called “News by the Numbers.” As I confessed last week, I’m a number hater. This is in contradistinction to

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Jul 20, 2010

In 43 years, life’s been full of surprises

Numbers aren’t my thing. I mean, they’re really not my thing. Starting in elementary school, math was the bane of my existence. My medical records, in fact, list algebra as

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Jul 13, 2010

Family gatherings bring old and new traditions together

It’s official. Not only have I hit the proverbial brick wall, I am now one with it. This unfortunate development comes at the conclusion of a whirlwind weekend. If there’s

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Jul 12, 2010

Feet for the path I’m on

In recounting the highlights and what impacted them, one phrase that Bob used repeatedly was “feet for the path that I’m on.”  The guide (their ‘rabbi’; they traveled as a

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Jul 09, 2010

What I learned at a family reunion

There were several things that struck me.  They are:  1.  I’m part of a greater root system. This isn’t a big revelation, exactly, but in the daily grind and the hurry and

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Jul 06, 2010

Send in the moms to clean up Gulf disaster

Sigh. Do I have to say this again? Really? I’m starting to feel like a little one-woman band playing a one-note samba. We’re going into month four of this disaster

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Jun 29, 2010

There’s plenty happening on this street

If you have a toddler and a TV, then you are intimately acquainted with Big Bird, Elmo, and the rest of the gang on Sesame Street. Every day, they focus

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Jun 22, 2010

Husband speaks about joys, challenges of fatherhood

Last week, in honor of Father’s Day, I wrote about the one who gave me life and then graciously allowed me to keep it. This week, I’d like to honor

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