Author: support


Aug 07, 2012

Boys grown up to be men, the godly heroes we need

He’s doing it out loud. Thinking it through, putting pieces together in that way small people have. “So daddies are men?” he asks, blue eyes earnest. “And women are girls?”

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Aug 03, 2012

Throwing ropes, catching flowers

“All of them,” he says, eyes glowing, a-light. “And look,” I continue.  “Look at the green, green grass up against those colors.”  I point at the impatiens glory marching along

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Jul 31, 2012

Mother of four volunteers for Olympics – as Team Mom

It was shocking. There they were, the elite cyclists in the racing world, climbing one of the Pyrenees Mountains in the Tour de France. Demonstrating incredible strength and conditioning, they

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Jul 27, 2012

When your backside’s gettin’ crispy

The rains had come.  Drought still gripped the land, but the liquid gold, so long delayed, had begun to fall, transforming brown landscapes with advancing shades of green. In our

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Jul 24, 2012

For spiritual drought, we need the rain of revival

It pained me to see it. Driving along, the signs were stark, sobering. Past lawns, dry and brown. Past fields of corn, leaves curled and brittle. Past homesteads and farms

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Jul 17, 2012

Parents spring for espresso, chocolate patches, offer children chamomile

It had taken a crowbar to do it.  That, and Mr. Schrock’s famous limb, the Left Leg of Leverage, to fit us all into the truck. The holiday had come.

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Jul 16, 2012

The One who carries the load, holds your hand

“It’s three months, and we’re all undone.  I don’t know why it’s hitting us like this now, here.”  I feel it, too; tears leaking, heart paining.  “The one,” she nearly

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Jul 12, 2012

It’s no boy club, he’s right (but I love my girls)

I sigh, overwhelmed with exhaustion, sidelined by fatigue and bone-deep weariness.  But he’s expecting me.  I’m invited, so I go. We jump together.  “You stay over there,” I tell him.

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Jul 10, 2012

Period prays to be a comma, shakes mom’s composure

Like a bolt of lightning flung from the heavens, he dropped it in my lap. “I’d like a sister,” he said, peering meaningfully at me. I think I croaked. I

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Jul 03, 2012

Mother talks turkey (and ice cream) with the mayor

If there were an encyclopedic set entitled “Great Mysteries of Modern Life,” this one would fill an entire volume of its own. It ranks right up there with “Where Do

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