Author: support


May 25, 2012

“Say it again”

We were talking, my friend and I, about the hard, hard work of intercession.  How it’s right tough work one does for months and months.  That, in the carrying of

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May 24, 2012

It’s a wild-life refuge

On the slab, there’s a basketball hoop, the first thing that hints at the residents of the place.  This is overshadowed by a large, spreading maple from which hangs two

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May 22, 2012

Politicians shouldn’t mess with “Susannah Wesley” – or stay-at-home moms


May 21, 2012

Daddy came running

It happened late one night as we slumbered peacefully in our beds.  In the dreaming hours, a scream of sheer terror shattered the dark.  I jolted awake, ripped from sleep, as my husband leapt up,

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May 16, 2012

Dream on

How many hours have I spent at that table just there, scribbling heart-bits in my journal, leather-bound Bible open before me?  Listing fingerprints, sweet traces of the eternal, in my

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May 15, 2012

For runners and those who love them, there’s hope

“When Someone You Love is Running.”  That was the title of the piece that went up that day.  And this is how it began. “It’s Wordless Wednesday here on the

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May 09, 2012

When words draw blood (square pegs, round holes)


May 08, 2012

Finding my inner Martha – let’s get this party started


May 04, 2012

First and last, led by God

In case you’ve not heard, we’re knee deep in graduation and party plans over here.  With this, that, and the other thing rocketing around in my brain, there’s an imminent

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May 02, 2012

When someone you love is running

“Speak,” He said. “Tell this one. Today.” I’d been thinking as I rode along in the **BMV, favorite CD poked in, about those we love who are running away.  Thinking

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