Author: support


May 01, 2012

Men, their toys, and a little something orange

Now, there was a new attitude, a fresh wind that blew.  And it smelled like glee.  Like boyish delight, the kind that only a vehicle with a fast engine and

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Apr 30, 2012

“Your work has caught my eye”

Back in the days when I didn’t know I was a writer, I could still tell stories and folks would laugh.  I’d see the funny in normal events, and when

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Apr 24, 2012

Mother, mortified, renames Blue Mommy Van, calls it BQV


Apr 20, 2012

In the blink of an eye, it happens again


Apr 17, 2012

One-eyed mom survives spring break (offspring also alive and well)

It was odd, the way it happened.  There I was, typing along, when the keyboard went nuts, printing a string of ‘s’s.  What in the world? I backspaced, pressed the

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Apr 16, 2012

God, in green Crayola

He had, I’d noted, been asking questions the day of and the day before.  “What is disobedience?” was one, and the door had opened yet again for Mother to explain

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Apr 03, 2012

Life for death, new hearts for old – the hope of Easter


Mar 29, 2012

Of sacrifices, boomerang kids, and jammies that stick

I don’t know about your house, but here at ours, it’s a scientifically-proven fact that when The Chief settles the pajama crowd at night, it just – well, “sticks” better.  Nightfall finds

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Mar 27, 2012

I’ll take a side of Novocaine with that handbag, please

And about that “good time.”  I’m a little nervous about taking him on my upcoming expedition.  You know, the one where I enact the “Woman on a Mission to Find

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Mar 26, 2012

What keeps a mama soft

For all the pain in labor, there is a wild joy in the birthing.  I know that, too.  For we mamas (and daddies) are partners with God Himself in the

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