Author: support


Dec 02, 2011

When the joy slips away

Looking up verses on “rest” this morning, I find it there in Hebrews: “There remains a rest for the people of God.”  For anyone who enters His rest ceases from

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Nov 30, 2011

When she’s better than you

I’m talking about that awful Comparison Game.  Not having enough time, space, or wisdom to dissect the whole kaboodle and analyze from whence it springs, I do know this –

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Nov 29, 2011

From X-Ray Day to the one I won’t touch, there’s lots to celebrate

I see that Better Conversation Week ran at the back end of November.  Good thinking.  If I give the locals several weeks to cool down from their week of angst,

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Nov 28, 2011

Embrace the small; embrace the still

As I often do when driving alone, I was speaking aloud my heart, my concerns, picturing Jesus Himself in the seat to the right.  Thinking, thinking, praying… Here and there

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Nov 23, 2011

No ungrateful lepers, we

He’s just done it again.  Jesus, Gentle Healer, heart beating full with love for those castoffs, speaks a word and heals the lepers.  His word alone, going forth, makes them

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Nov 22, 2011

Grandma’s visit brings out the professor in Mom

“For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”  Mr. Pope must’ve been thinking of me when he wrote that line.  

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Nov 21, 2011

What a trip like that can do

You may have seen him in Friday’s post (if not, skip down below).  If you know him at all (or if you read the post), you’ll know that he came

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Nov 18, 2011

A senior moment

Just this week, he came home with a CD in his pocket, loaded with (swallowing hard) his senior pictures.  Eager, Mother flashed upstairs the next morning, tearing through them, smiling

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Nov 15, 2011

Through uncertainty and joy, celebrating 13 years


Nov 10, 2011

Analyst (mother) recommends troop surge and additional funding for mochas

Some events have transpired this week that have highlighted an area in our family life that needs attention.  A certain analyst (that would be me) has been picking up chatter

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