Author: support


Aug 08, 2011

To laughter – l’chaim!

“Laughter is an instant vacation.”  You’re right, Milton Berle. “I’m thankful for laughter except when milk comes out of my nose.”  That’s true, Woody Allen. “Dogs laugh, but they laugh

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Aug 03, 2011

The king and kween were klueless

Holy smoke and good grief!  If I’d’ve had a klue as to what all was involved, I might’ve signed up to be a pet groomer instead.  Or a taxi driver

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Aug 02, 2011

Marriage is like the Tour de France (so keep pedaling)

There’s some jockeying for the lead, so to speak, and the privilege of wearing the proverbial jersey.  Then you remember the peloton, that pack of crumb crunchers behind you, and

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Aug 01, 2011

Just once, I’d like to fiddle while Rome is burning

For instance, one Saturday night we were slumbering peacefully when we were startled awake by a loud beeping noise.  Was it a large dump truck preparing to back over the

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Jul 29, 2011

Birth of the miracle, birth of the ‘yes’

I remember well the wedding of her parents.  As our own Boy Two squirmed, thrilled, in his small, rented tux, tracing the alphabet in the carpet down in front, my

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Jul 28, 2011

Send the moms to The Hill – we’ll get it done

Who says I can’t write a good mystery? Call me the Tom Brokaw, the Shepard Smith of our household, but I take my reporting duties very seriously.  As soon as

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Jul 26, 2011

Wherever they go, He’s got it covered

They’d participated in numerous church services, sharing their testimonies and encouraging the native people.  He’d reveled in their lively worship style, this kid with the elastic hips and the bouncy

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Jul 25, 2011

Manifesto of Joy

Job stress, family issues, cracks in the budget, and a mower that breaks.  Drop by drop, the leak begins.  A rivulet forms, and then a river, rushing, raging, sweeping away

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Jul 22, 2011

Celebrated, just for “showing up”

What a day that was!  All that hoopla and warm wishes and friends popping into my virtual cubicle, cheerful faces shining, just because.  Just because 44 years ago yesterday, I

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Jul 19, 2011

It’s not the fickle finger – it’s ‘The Claw’ and that one leg

Odd, how The Claw turned the fellows in the rear into Olympic-caliber gymnasts.  Suddenly, they’d grow elastic extremities, doing the splits or pinning their feet up behind their ears in

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