Author: support


Jul 18, 2011

Life from behind my ‘I’s

If this were ‘B’ week, I’d remind you that I live in a nest of B’s.  As in boys – four of ’em plus their dad.  I’m awash in a sea of

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Jul 14, 2011

“Come, best friend”

“Come, best friend!” I heard Little shout over his shoulder to the boy at the park, and he disappeared in a flash of denim. After the muggy Indiana weather, we’d

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Jul 13, 2011

It’s those crazy hyenas again

Yesterday, a status happened through my news feed that cracked me up.  “Goodbye, shrub.  Hello, teenager with very fragile, tenuous cell phone privileges,” it said.  I could only guess what had happened. 

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Jul 12, 2011

It’s not a perfect family portrait, but it’s sure a good one

For the first time, we were able to introduce the southern siblings to the event they’d heard so much about.  With Mom and Dad Yoder joining us and Mom’s aunt

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Jul 11, 2011

On His mind

My thorn in the flesh remains just that – a sharp, relentless thorn.  We’ve prayed for months, and still it sticks; stinging, burning like fire (some days more than others) as we

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Jul 08, 2011

Why mamas pray

“I left a part of me there,” he said only this morning, feeling it keen.  I smiled.  “That’s how your brother felt when he went to Mexico.” They’d returned, those

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Jul 07, 2011

Do it anyway

When you write, it feels as if your words tumble out into a great, black gulf.  You can’t see people’s faces. Can’t look into their eyes.  You don’t know for sure if anyone

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Jul 05, 2011

With boys, it’s “Happy Days” and “Leave it to – the Lemmings?”

Inventive critters that they are, they were launching themselves off the side of the trampoline on that tire swing, one of them with whoops of delight (Boy Two), one of

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Jun 30, 2011

A mind like a pantry – nothing ever stays where it should

That’s exactly what happens inside my brain.  Just when I think I have the weekly schedule figured out, someone will canter past my desk, dropping a casual, “Oh, by the

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Jun 22, 2011

“Carry him to Me”

I’d taken off early this morning, chunky backpack with the girlish accents tucked in behind me, and headed for my favorite place in the world to create.  I’d savored my coffee, freshly

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