Author: support


May 31, 2011

‘Cocktail of terror’ includes shortage of coffee, teen drivers

Lucky for them, I’ve managed to escape ephebiphobia.  That’s the fear of teenagers.  And lucky for me, I don’t have androphobia.  That’s the fear of men.  What I do have

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May 24, 2011

Family’s annual tradition of Indy mini-marathon continues

Officially, there were two of us running again.  Unofficially, everybody runs.  Just because the rest of us don’t have numbers pinned on our shirts doesn’t mean we’re not running.  As

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May 23, 2011

It should be natural

She hugged me there on the high stool in my favorite corner.  “What are you reading?” she asked eagerly. “I’m in Isaiah,” I said, “and I wish I could understand

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May 18, 2011

Look up

Just home from an end-of-the-year meeting at school, I get Little his breakfast, grind up the beans, and measure fresh coffee into the filter.  Cream (the real kind) swirls like ribbons

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May 17, 2011

I’ll take a gas pedal and airbags with that horse, if you don’t mind

Another thing I’d look for, if I were in the market for a horse, is side airbags.  The BMV has ‘em.  Overprotective mother that I am, they give me a

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May 16, 2011

There’s healing in the hem

All the physicians she’d consulted through the years had been of no help.  Desperate, she’d gone to one, then another, and still she bled. Penniless now, hemorrhaging unchecked, she inched

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May 13, 2011

That’s a bitter pill (so I’ll need a mocha)

One of our sons, for instance, came packaged with a strong-willed temperament.  He doesn’t give up easily.  When he sets his mind on something, he hangs on with every fingernail,

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May 10, 2011

It’s a chilly, wet, and crazy season – and where are those goats?

Then April came, and Dawning Generation, the show choir, appeared at the Maple Syrup Festival.  Family came once more.  And once more, we all cheered, clapping and shouting for them

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May 05, 2011

What I didn’t know

Looking back at that girly girl, playing with her dolls, I realize now that there was a lot she didn’t know.  This morning over my fresh-ground coffee, this mother of

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May 03, 2011

Hearts shall pump strong and the crippled shall leap – one day

It was a very special night for them, for the halftime show was to feature the young girls who’d attended cheerleading camp.  For one night, they were going to live

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