Author: support


Apr 05, 2011

The diagnosis you need

“Am I God of the universe?” He’d said.  “Yes, You are.” “Am I omnipotent?” “Yes, You are.” “Is My arm shortened, that it cannot save?” “No.  It’s not.” “Am I omniscient?”

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Apr 04, 2011

The way through

My way. I paused over number three, that particular thorn in my flesh that’s persisted now for months.  “Commit thy way…”  The answer, I knew, was coming.  I’d committed it

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Mar 31, 2011

The music of boys


Mar 29, 2011

Faith and prayer lead to healing and Haiti

He continued.  “It’s not that the others couldn’t have done very well without me.”  But, he said, “It was real disappointing.  I felt like the disciples on the way to

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Mar 28, 2011

Encouraging His heart

Much living happens down below in the valley and in the daily struggle to ascend to the heights.  There’s little glamor there, one knows, in the sweat and toil, in sun’s glare

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Mar 24, 2011

But why a brass band?

To this mother who had a rare opportunity to lie abed for just a while longer, it may as well have been a brass band that marched through the kitchen

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Mar 23, 2011

Fully willing, fully able

With the wind on my face and the warmth of the sun, with notes of a birdsong trilling here and there, it was His voice I heard.  “Can you give

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Mar 21, 2011

He makes the ‘funder’ sleep

“Did it scare you?”  This to Little. “Yes.” “Did you talk to Jesus about it?” Yes, he said.  He’d talked to Jesus about it, and He’d made that scary old

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Mar 18, 2011

The Lively One goes to Bethel

Today’s the day.  I’d be just as happy as could be if you’d hop over there with me to catch the next installment in what is shaping up to be a

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Mar 16, 2011

Grace in which I stand

“Therefore,” he’d said, “having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access by faith into this grace in which

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