Author: support


Feb 02, 2010

And the local Courageous Profiles awards go to…

Every year, the JFK Library Foundation announces the annual winners of the Profile in Courage Award. According to their website, it is the nation’s most prestigious honor for elected public

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Jan 26, 2010

Potty-training success leads to big dreams

“Houston, we have a tinkle.” Stop the presses. This, my friends, is breaking news. Oh, I know there’s big stuff going on around the world. Things like the government revamping

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Jan 25, 2010

Monday Morning Madness

To correct an ongoing and very irritating problem, Mr. Schrock stalked upstairs last night and delivered a speech to The Middles that went something like this: “From now on, you

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Jan 19, 2010

Grappling with the mysteries of life and laughter

Curiosity killed the cat. That’s what moms tell kids who ask questions they don’t want to answer. Our boys have all been wired with inquiring minds and have posed lots

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Jan 12, 2010

“Mr. No Go” no more

Here it is (drum roll, please): After weeks of moaning (me) and failed attempts (him), Mr. No Go has finally gone potty!!Why, only this morning, I had launched another serious

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Jan 12, 2010

Lists are necessities of life in this household

Lists are big around here. When we travel, I make one for each person, detailing every single item that’s needed down to the number of socks and underwear to be

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Jan 05, 2010

With these resolutions, life could be better

So that’s how it feels to take it into the end zone. That’s how it looks to knock it out of the park? If this is how winning feels, I

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Dec 29, 2009

Resolutions for others vary in success

Here it comes. That annual flood of wishful thinking and good intentions is upon us. Pardon my cynicism, but I haven’t noticed a lot of actual results coming from our

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Dec 29, 2009

Oh, Silent Night (but not too silent, please)

There. That’s my opening salvo regarding that dreaded annual list. While I don’t hold much to New Year’s resolutions as for the most part they are wholly ineffective and end

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Dec 24, 2009

Merry Christmas – glory awaits

Every year, we carefully deliberate about which two movies we want to watch on Christmas Eve (or New Year’s Eve, whenever it suits to have our party). This year, the

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