Author: support


Aug 31, 2009

And speaking of winter (I’d rather not)

Here we go. Slow transitioner that I am, I’m not doing so well. All the rest of you seem to be hitting the gas pedal with both feet, ready to

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Aug 26, 2009

Learning to pray

I’ve discovered that if I listen closely, I can pick up a clue now and then about that particular day’s sins. Take last night, for instance. He was jabbering along

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Aug 24, 2009

Happy birthday – that’s just how you are

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear…” This song gets a lot of play at our house in the summer months with three birthdays in June

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Aug 17, 2009

As the door turns – the busyness and blessings of summer

Can you believe it? It’s time for the buses again, and I’m just not ready. Just between you and me, I have a dark desire to throw down a few

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Aug 14, 2009

Hurricane Lee

It’s been a long time, and I was getting periodic questions about her absence from disgruntled recipients of her talents. “When is Lee coming over again?” was the general tone.

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Aug 10, 2009

The first law of vacation: What goes on one, must come back

“What goes around, comes around.” So goes the law of sowing and reaping. “What goes up must come down.” That’s the law of gravity. “What goes on vacation must eventually

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Aug 10, 2009

More pictures of the presidential visit

FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger Yes, that’s the president waving in the back window. Note the presidential seal on the side of the limo. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger And some very good

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Aug 05, 2009

Pictures of the presidential visit

FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger Secret Service talking with police. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger More security prep. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger An interesting message. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger At the middle school. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger Here they come. FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger FacebookTwitterGoogle+DiggPinterestBlogger An incredible up-close shot of

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Aug 05, 2009

Presidential Visit

Last night we were watching Fox News in prime time, and there, being interviewed, was a gentleman from our church. I’m not sure of his title, but his work involves

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Aug 04, 2009

Dear Mr. President

Tomorrow you will be visiting our tiny town, coming to an empty factory a mere 1.5 miles or so from my humble home where my husband and I are working

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