Author: support


May 26, 2009

A different kind of ‘happily ever after’

“…And they lived happily ever after.” This is how every good fairy tale from Cinderella to Sleeping Beauty to Snow White ends. After kissing too many frogs, the beauty finally

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May 11, 2009

Old Red – retired, but not forgotten

Sixteen years, two jiggly mirrors, and 201,000 miles. Throw in one anemic engine, 0.3 cup holders per person, and an air conditioner that went clunk, and the numbers added up

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May 04, 2009

Rehab for rascals, cookies for sinners

If there is any vocation today that virtually requires an applicant to be bipolar, it would certainly be motherhood. This, of all jobs, requires a delicate balance of law and

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Apr 27, 2009

Unexpected pirates, biters, and royal ruffians

Life seldom turns out as you expect. In the beginning, the world is your oyster. You have hopes and dreams. You know what you want to be and where you

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Apr 20, 2009

A bleacher wrestler, a butterfly, and an inauguration

I know you will think this is positively un-American and about as unpatriotic as it gets, but March Madness came and went with naught but yawns from us over here.

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Apr 13, 2009

Some things in life just aren’t friendly

As with many of you, last week was spring break for us. Whether you fled to Florida or were stuck at home like moss on a log, you experienced a

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Apr 06, 2009

Your Majesty, take my children – please

If you’re a royal watcher and you love American politics, this has been a banner week for you. I don’t have to tell you what the big flurry was all

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Mar 30, 2009

The proper care and feeding of boys

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. It was just the other day that I made that very declaration to Mr. Schrock as we convened at the bathroom sink.

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Mar 23, 2009

“Now it’s time” for a vocab review

“Now it’s time” for a vocab review What makes your family unique? What is it that sets yours apart and makes it different from other families? Surely one answer would

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Mar 16, 2009

‘Survivor mom’ gains extra 15 minutes of fame

They say everyone has their 15 minutes of fame. If that’s all we get, then I guess I’m done. I didn’t realize when I won the Reno County spelling bee

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