Dear runner beloved

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Turning to the sacred text, there it is, the story of the 1 and the 99. The story of the sheep gone missing and the Shepherd who pursued. The tale of a prodigal gone off, running far to a foreign land, and the father who welcomed him home.

Sheep on shoulders, angels rejoicing, a runner returned and a grand celebration. The pictures leap straight from the page, all mixing together with names, faces of the runners I love.

Sitting there, lamplight spilling on the written Word, I think of them again – the runners I love, the message He gave and the many who, too, were loving runners.

Pain for those who wait; the misery of those who run. It was easy to focus on the soul-hurt of those left watching, long praying, but what of the pain of the sheep gone lost? What about them? And what, I wonder, hands wrapping ’round the mug, would the Shepherd say to these? Maybe this…

Dear runner beloved,

From the time you were conceived, I have seen you. You were planned before the foundations of the world. Long before you were ever born, I knew your name.

Night by night have I sat, wakeful, keeping loving watch as you slept. Day by day, My presence has hovered constant through all your going out and your coming in.  When you arose and when you laid down. When you walked and when you ran, I was there.

Through every single day, in every situation, I was nearby. I saw it all. Every victory you had, every hurt you sustained, not one of them escaped My watchful eyes.

I saw each injustice. Saw the wounds. Saw the pain. Saw, too, how the tempter, the enemy of your soul, came in to steal, kill and destroy. I heard him lie.

I saw those lies take root, those awful whispers that said, “You’re no good. You’re not worthy. It must’ve been you. Your fault! It was you. You’re alone.”

I watched how you turned, how you fell, how you floundered. Watched discouragement set in, saw despair. Watched you reach, not for Me, but for substitutes, bringing death, not the life that you craved.

As I watch, sheep-gone-lost, I remember. Remember the plans that I have (oh, they’re good ones). Remember the hope for your future.

As I’m watching, I see not your failures. I see who you are and what can be. I see where you are, and I’ll find you.

As I’m waiting, I’m hearing the prayers.  In hearing, I’m moving to answer. O’er highways, through byways, I’m coming. And in coming will be your salvation.

Dear runner, there’s nothing you can do that will make Me love you less, and there’s no way I could love you more.  There’s nothing you’ve done that I cannot forgive, and My right arm is mighty to save.

I see you. I love you. I hear you, and I remember your name.

All my love,

Jesus, Shepherd and Saviour

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