How Heaven comes to earth–use your gifting

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“You have something you’re uniquely gifted to do. And isn’t it just wonderful when God gives you a place to use that gift, do that ‘thang,’ and it makes a difference? Partnering with Him in bringing Heaven to earth is a human’s high calling and sweet spot.

“Today, I’m working on the next installment of Around the World, a monthly series on our racer’s journey. Thinking about it this morning, the Lord showed me that I’ve had an extreme fear of pride, and it’s shut me down far too often. Well, no more. I’m simply rejoicing today that not only has the Holy Spirit given me a particular and supernatural gifting, but that He’s opened up a place to use it. It’s a newspaper, and it will speak His grace and love to a community. I could never do that. But He sure can and has and will. And some heaven will come to earth. Rejoice with me!”

That’s what I wrote to my friends yesterday ’cause that’s what came to me early, driving in to Starbucks to ‘pump it up’ with some crazy caffeine and a huge shot of Spirit. Yes, bring that.

Anyway, it struck me, driving along, that it’s an incredible thing. How He gifts us with talents and abilities and passions, and then He opens up places to use ’em. My goodness! It’s miraculous, and Heaven comes right on down to the earth. Amen.

I was thinking how sometimes I feel so excited about what Father’s given me to do and I have such joy in doing it, but when I go to tell it, I feel a block. A stay. A brick wall, a barrier. And that quick, the Holy Spirit, He nailed it.

“You have an extreme fear of pride.” Yes, I knew this, but He pointed at it again. “So even though you’re on alert for pride, the enemy’s still got you chained.” And the chain, I saw, was simply fear. One way or the other (devil doesn’t care), there was a chain.

Well, doggone it all.

So I repented right there, and I thought, “No more, no more!” Then I grabbed my espresso and banged it out (see above).

This morning, I bundled up, strapped the YakTrax on my shoes and took out through the snow. Gorgeous. Beautiful. Landscape in White. Snowflakes falling like a million kisses, and me and Papa, we’re talkin’. I’m tellin’ Him about how it went and what Spirit had taught me and all at once, I saw it. Saw a picture…

I saw His great, vast, throbbing heart just bursting, overflowing with love. For us all. That love, a great river that wanted to flow to all those He loved here on earth. And the channels for the blessing and the loving?

Oh, those channels are us. You. Me. Each one of us where we are in our own particular ways, love a-flowing.

Through our gifts. In the circles and places He’s put us. Love-rivers moving and living and reaching and spreading from Papa’s great heart through the earth.

Until or unless something’s blocked river’s flow. Things like fear. Walls like shame. Stones of pride, disobedience, timidity, and doubt. Blocking channels. Love’s dammed up. People thirsting. For His love.

So today, here’s what I know. God’s given me a gift and a place I can use it. And through the story of our son’s missionary journey, He is blessing our community, and Love, it’s flowing. Through me. Through us.

In that, there’s no pride. There’s just joy and celebration. It’s the channel saying, “You are great!” to her Maker, her Dad. It’s Papa’s girl getting in line with His Spirit. We are partners.

I know this truth, too, that as I just do what He’s gifted and called me to do, He takes responsibility for the ending. For the fruit. That’s not my concern. I’m too small for that, but He’s not and He’s big and He’ll bring it. Bring fruit.

And one more true thing that you need to know is this–that Papa always, always blesses the channel. For as Love flows through you, you’re soaking it in, drinking it up, and heart’s full. For Papa, He’s terribly fond of His channels.

That’s you. That’s me. That is us. Bless the Lord, O my soul.

And wouldn’t you know it. When the Spirit’s aflame, things happen, stuff gets done, and there’s power. In one fell swoop at that Starbucks store, the column got written; the whole, entire thing. Then it was typed, polished up, and sent off to the editor. Channel’s open, Spirit’s helping, Love is flowing.

If you missed the first installment of Around the World, you can catch it right here . It will touch your heart, open your eyes, and, yes, speak Love. Happy Thursday!

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