The virus that truly steals and kills (and it’s not corona)

My dear fellow Americans,
A pastor of ours used to tell us that we can loan and borrow courage. I’m stepping up today to loan you some of mine.
In the midst of global fears because of a virus called “corona,” my eyes are drawn to a different threat, a much more virulent virus. And the name of it is “fear.”
Like the worst of all known viruses, this one, too, is contagious. It is transmitted by air waves, electronically, and by word of mouth. Unlike the corona, you don’t even have to physically encounter a carrier. It can find you wherever you are. It’s diabolical.
The thing about fear is that it clouds our minds, distorts our thinking, fogs us with confusion, and all at once we’re making decisions based on our shifting, ever-changing feelings. That, and the shouted alarm of others. And that can cause an awful lot of damage.
The virus of fear is truly a killer and a thief. It kills joy. It steals peace. It robs us of contentment, and it hinders our quality of life. It steals us blind. But the truth, Jesus said, sets us free.
Here’s the truth. If the worst came to the worst and the corona virus took us, it’s actually NOT the worst thing that could happen. Not for Christians. Not for those who’ve placed their faith in Jesus and who believe that He is God’s Son.
Truth is, we are all going to die one day. As a girl who loves her Jesus, dying is the best thing. For that’s the day when my real life begins and all things of this earth will fall away. I know that heaven is real, that God is good.
The remedy for fear? His love. “There is no fear in love. Perfect (mature, complete) love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect (mature, complete) in love (1 John 4:18).”
The antidote for the virus of fear is the pure, extravagant, unconditional, never-failing love of God. Any other virus or illness or accident that takes my life is nothing but the vehicle that carries me to heaven. Into His presence.
My friend, Jesus, said it best. “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled. and do not be afraid (John 14:27).”
With courage today,
Rhonda, the small, caffeinated American mom