Under the influence

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No matter how I squirm and squiggle, writhe and wriggle with fear and excitement tangled up in near-equal parts, they won’t leave me alone, those dreams.  And then God Almighty up and puts people in your life who dream big, too – for you – and it’s hard to run away.

This morning I was praying, big and bold, just like He tells us to, and laying it out.  “…And help me to write, always, under the influence of the Holy Spirit…”

I stopped.

Under the influence.

And isn’t that how everything should be accomplished, should be handled?  Every task?  Every job?  Every encounter?  Every appointment?  Every person dealt with under the influence of Christ?  Our gifts, talents, and abilities used under that sweet anointing?

Suddenly, the most menial chore becomes an act of worship, transforming even the lowest places.  Every corner of the earth is infused with the breath of the eternal wherever the faithful are found, using their gifts under the influence.

We should dream big, you and I.  God is not glorified and others are not served by our shrinking back, playing small, hiding our light under a bushel.

The sky’s the limit – this is true! – when we dare to dream big dreams, ask boldly for big things, and do everything under the influence of Christ.  Doors will open, dreams will come true, and fruit will come in bushels.

Dream big!

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