We are all “essential workers” in that kingdom

“Essential. Nonessential.” We’re hearing it a lot these days in reference to workers and businesses. Odd times we are in, for sure.
Recently, someone shared with me her struggle with comparison. She was looking at her peers, noting their accomplishments and comparing them to hers. As a simple mother, she was coming up far short (in her eyes), until the God that she loves came for her.
He came, and He relieved her burden with the truth. She was grateful.
I’ve been thinking on her struggle. A couple of things came to my mind, and the first of those things was this; that the Upside Down Kingdom uses a wholly different yardstick. While mankind looks on the outside, God’s gaze is focused on the heart.
“The last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” So says the Holy Writ, and instantly, my gaze, too, is set straight.
The second thing that came to my mind was Mary, a simple mother in Bethlehem. History records no real accomplishments. No stellar career. No long, studded resume. Nothing that should set her apart. Except.
Except that she mothered Lord Christ. When the angel came with the message, that “simple” country girl said the yes. “Be it unto me according to Your will.” That’s what she said, and her name is forever written down in His book.
Mary simply mothered Jesus and His siblings. That’s all.
We who are mothers (and fathers) are in good company. For while we may not be mothering our Jesus, we are mothering (and fathering) those He’s created, those He loves, and those for whom He came.
Mary’s Son came for ours, and we honor her boy by how we parent. What a privilege! How essential. How precious, this work that we do.
Now. For you. Whether or not you’re a parent, what you do or don’t do is essential. From Matthew comes this sobering message. “When did we see you sick or in prison or go to visit you? When did we see you a stranger and take you in, or naked, and we clothed you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
The simple things in life that don’t seem big or, well, essential? Those are the things that truly are. They’re essential, for we’re doing (or not doing) them for Jesus Himself. Knowing this transforms everything, and it gives meaning to the simplest tasks.
And the last shall be first in His world,
Rhonda, a simple mother in America