“What if” it’s the year of no shame?

What if this is the year where shame has no place at the table? No voice?
The damnable thing about shame is that it seeks to silence. To make us hide.
“We are wired for connection.” Over and over, a healer-person said it, and I knew that she was right.
Shame, then, hinders relationships.
The not-so-secret messages of shame are these, that you are unaccepted and unacceptable. You are unloved and unlovable. Such is the poison of shame.
It comes to us in a thousand ways; through human voices, through humiliating experiences that echo the message, and through our own accusations. Behind all of it, though, is the archenemy whose goal all along has been this…
To tear us from His hand.
Yes, satan is active and alive. He lives to blow up our relationship with the One Who’s loved us and accepted us completely. His condemning, accusing voice seems loudest and truest, and it seems just impossible to defeat.
What if (I will say it again) this is the year where shame will not have a place? What if this is the year where you set your face like a flint and refuse to listen? What if you’re as relentless as any SEAL, invading the enemy camp, refusing to give up any ground?
Let this be the year of the full-throated, “No! I do not believe you anymore. I believe Him.”
The truth, after all, is that he never could tear you away. The invitation is for you to believe it. When you break through on this hugely important battle, in my heart of hearts I believe that you will find your true voice, and your relationships will deepen and thrive. You won’t be silent anymore. You won’t stay hidden.
Come out. Speak up. We all need you.
Happy New Year!
Year 2021 was the year of no shame for me. Year 2022 will be the year I bite the head off shame. Thank you for this!
Keep me posted on your progress! I want to hear how you’re doing with this.
Your words are true. Many years I listened to the enemies lies. And it did affect my relationships. Feeling unacceptable and unloveable, unworthy of deep relationships. It was one of the darkest times of my life that Christ showed himself and revealed to me the abundance of HIS grace. He doesn’t expect perfect, just our best each day.
I’m so glad to hear your story, Bob. Grant and I appreciate you and would really enjoy seeing you again.
Thank you for stopping in!