Author: Rhonda Schrock


Oct 24, 2011

Burglary on Main (and the thief you can’t see)

They’d struck in the night, those thieves.  Entering unlawfully, they’d taken what was not theirs, disappearing, then, as silently as they’d come. The presence of the three armed officers said

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Oct 18, 2011

Inner hyenas? Blame it on the genes

It was a status update on Facebook that started it.  “Goodbye, shrub,” a friend wrote.  “Hello, teenager with very fragile, tenuous cellphone privileges.”  I could only guess what had happened. 

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Oct 17, 2011

For a life that counts

You might remember it.  It happened on an ordinary day, a Friday, to be exact, at the local coffee shop, my favorite place in the world to create.  Sitting there

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Oct 12, 2011

Clueless in Seattle (wait – no, that’s New York)

For nearly four weeks now, they’ve been gathering in parks and streets, stretched out in sleeping bags, marching with signs, tooting horns, and banging drums.  They’re American citizens, this ragtag

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Oct 11, 2011

Sure, a dog would be easier, but he won’t wear pajamas

When Rome is burning, the ship’s going down, and the local Huns are breaching the walls, that’s when I say it.

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Oct 06, 2011

So now I’m raising…a writer?

Sure enough. “Mom!” His voice was urgent. “I need you to edit my essay before second period.” Sighing, I poked the “on” button to start more coffee and trudged upstairs

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Oct 05, 2011

Perfectly weak, perfectly strong

Many times as I write, I feel the thrill of it; the joy of creation; the indefinable, indescribable exuberance of crafting something good.  Often, I laugh out loud in that

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Oct 04, 2011

It’s no fairy tale – amidst the laundry, a couple stays committed

If marriage, then, isn’t a Disney production, the girl isn’t Cinderella, and the boy’s not Prince Charming, how does a real romance look?  It’s tricky, nailing it down when real

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Oct 03, 2011

Valley of Trouble, Door of Hope

Today is Monday, tomorrow’s Tuesday, and I’m thinking of T’s.  I’m mulling over things that tickle my gizzard and things that don’t and what do you do with those? I’ll

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Sep 28, 2011

Where mamas nest