Author: Rhonda Schrock


Mar 23, 2011

Fully willing, fully able

With the wind on my face and the warmth of the sun, with notes of a birdsong trilling here and there, it was His voice I heard.  “Can you give

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Mar 21, 2011

He makes the ‘funder’ sleep

“Did it scare you?”  This to Little. “Yes.” “Did you talk to Jesus about it?” Yes, he said.  He’d talked to Jesus about it, and He’d made that scary old

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Mar 18, 2011

The Lively One goes to Bethel

Today’s the day.  I’d be just as happy as could be if you’d hop over there with me to catch the next installment in what is shaping up to be a

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Mar 16, 2011

Grace in which I stand

“Therefore,” he’d said, “having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have access by faith into this grace in which

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Mar 15, 2011

Weary? Discouraged? There’s room on His lap for you

In our economy, the pecking order is set up something like this – the bigger you are, the more (and the harder) you peck.  Conversely, the smaller you are, the more

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Mar 14, 2011

Shopping with John (Travolta, that is)

In a hurry this time, we sailed into Jimmy John’s to pick up some subs for the road.  I ordered the usual, #5 with pepper rings, and he ordered his

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Mar 11, 2011

“I’m working on it”

And I hear His voice.  “I’m working on it.”  I know it’s Him, for the peace that comes is instant and true.  Ah, yes.  My Father’s working on it. Then I

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Mar 10, 2011

Faith to live and faith to die

It was only a couple of weeks ago as they shared their hearts in class that she said something that caught my attention.  “When I had my tumor several years

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Mar 09, 2011

A heart’s murmur

One by one, they fell.  One by one, ever so slowly, they began to recover.  All, that is, except for Boy Three whose fever had subsided, but whose spark was

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Mar 08, 2011

In times of fear and loss, live boldly

In the face of such sorrow and loss, amidst national upheaval and global unrest, how do we keep going?  How do we stay encouraged?  What reason to we have to

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