Author: Rhonda Schrock


Jun 17, 2010

Message from He Who Runs

This is what I found when I came through the laundry room last night just after The Mister got home from the office. There’s a story here. If you’re a

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Jun 16, 2010

“I treed ‘im”

This, after a raucous chase that led through the house, out the door, through the grass, over the tramp, and up into a tree.  Whereupon Little J, after being “treed”

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Jun 15, 2010

There’s a lot to admire about dad

Short and tall. Thick and thin. Loud and quiet. Doctor and carpenter. They come in all shapes, sizes, and dispositions. I don’t know what kind you had, but I do

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Jun 12, 2010

ChicaGo bound

For 2-1/2 months, they’ve been preparing with intensive Bible study, weekly meetings, Scripture memorization, journaling, and preparation of their personal testimonies, among other things.  As a last step, they were

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Jun 09, 2010

Even the kings

His mother absolutely concurs.

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Jun 09, 2010

A touch of heaven

Yesterday morning, I stole out early with my mug of coffee to sit and watch the sunrise.  The clouds were tinted pink and orange.  The land was coming awake with

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Jun 08, 2010

This mom needs to be needed – times four

Moms need to be needed. From what I’ve experienced personally and observed in others, this is pretty much a universal truth. That’s why we cry at big events like graduations

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Jun 01, 2010

Doesn’t matter what the calendar says – it’s summer here

Lord, have mercy. It’s started already. While summer isn’t yet official by the calendar, it’s been here for weeks, judging by all the activity. As far as I’m concerned, Mr.

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May 27, 2010

A pointless weekend? I’m down with that

It’s got me nostalgic, actually, because number three just received his certificate of completion at a ceremony at the elementary school, and it’s off to junior high for him.  The

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May 25, 2010

Cell phones, technology “mixed blessing” for family

To quote the old Virginia Slims ad, “We’ve come a long way, baby.” Isn’t that the truth? In the context of modern technology, we’ve come a long way, indeed. Remember

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