Author: Rhonda Schrock


Apr 16, 2010

Local tea partiers should expect limited success

From San Francisco to the eastern seaboard, concerned citizens gathered, some holding signs, to let their voices be heard.  They rallied in Topeka.  They rallied in Muskegon.  They rallied in D.C..

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Apr 06, 2010

I’d rather be a typist than a – what?

For months now, a little four-letter word has been in the forefront of the national consciousness. Not to worry. It’s not one that would’ve gotten your mouth washed out with

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Mar 30, 2010

Let the experts make your excuses

According to a February 2009 survey of more than 8,000 workers, a full 20% said they are late to work at least once a week. A surprising 12% admitted

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Mar 24, 2010

Fascinating followup to last week’s column

Imagine my surprise and delight when I received a lovely email yesterday from Dr. Day, the Executive Director of the Indiana Council for Economic Education.  With his permission, I am

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Mar 23, 2010

Honesty is the best policy – but please define what ‘is,’ is

If there’s one thing that can evoke parental ire, it’s the telling of a falsehood. Growing up, this particular sin was punished by a vigorous application of soap to the

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Mar 16, 2010

All Congress needs to know, they could learn in the fifth grade

What is up with Washington? For all the current talk of reconciliation, there’s sure not much to be had. Up on the Hill, we’ve got blue dogs, old dogs, new

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Mar 09, 2010

Writer asks, “What movie title describes your family?”

Some years ago at a marriage retreat, the speaker challenged us to name a movie that described our relationships. It was an interesting exercise that made you stop and think.

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Mar 02, 2010

Local ‘Olympians’ deserve a chance at the gold

Five rings, 82 flags, and the snow-covered slopes of Canada. Sweaty, triumphant athletes. Sweaty, dejected athletes. Gold medals, silver medals, and no medals at all. Stories of hardship, of endurance,

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Feb 23, 2010

Tea Party nothing new to mom’s brood of revolters

What a year it’s been in American politics. No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, you have to admit one thing. It hasn’t been boring. It’s hard to

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Feb 19, 2010


Well, in the world of men, this little seven-letter word can be summarized in another little seven-letter word:  w-i-n-n-i-n-g.  Here’s what happened.  Son number three, O He of the Stoic

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