Author: support


Jul 15, 2008

The Schrocks have a strange notion about what is considered “good news” lately

X-ray called yesterday and said that Jordan has a Bennett fracture and needs to see an orthopedist. Hopefully this means a cast and no surgery. If you want to see

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Jul 14, 2008

They Don’t Need That Mirror Anyway

I know this to be true because the men of the family played out this very scenario before our eyes on the Fourth. Instead of 3 men and 7 boys,

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Jul 08, 2008

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it

In some venues, the telling of injustices done and atrocities committed is called reporting. Hearing a serious story being related by, say, Tom Brokaw, lends a certain gravitas and legitimacy

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Jun 30, 2008

“Is that Cindy Crawford on your driver’s license?”

This week it was my turn to pay some overdue attention to my own driving status. It was an alert customer service representative at a local store that pointed out

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Jun 23, 2008

Divorce Is Never An Option, But Murder May Be

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a pointy-headed professor to know that wherever human paths cross, there lies the potential for conflict. Nowhere is this truer than

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Jun 16, 2008

Can’t We All Just Knit For Once?

The addition of Baby Kyle brings the total number of Schrock grandchildren to 15. Of those 15, 11 of them are boys. Interestingly, 9 of the 11 grandsons carry the

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Jun 09, 2008

Love to Party, Don’t Like to Plan

Those I can handle. What I’m talking about are large events that involve uncertain crowd sizes, food by the pallet, and a thousand details. Being a worrier by nature, I

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Jun 03, 2008

I Don’t Need Sympathy After All

You can’t blame me, can you, if I as a lone woman in a house full of males make a play for sympathy now and then. Honestly. Some mothers would

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May 26, 2008

Oh, the Fun (and Stress) of Summer!

When summer arrives, a whole new world opens up for the boys. While that world inevitably includes chores that evoke the usual grumbling and charges of slave labor, there is

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May 19, 2008

Pray Without Ceasing

Grant’s experience growing up was entirely different. He is the oldest of five, all of whom were born in six years to the day. They were a busy, well-organized little

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