Author: support


Oct 29, 2012

Dear runner beloved

Turning to the sacred text, there it is, the story of the 1 and the 99. The story of the sheep gone missing and the Shepherd who pursued. The tale

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Oct 26, 2012

Not educated, but empowered

Her daughter’s standing there, all curly-headed. “Mama’s moved,” she says, smiling, too. And then she tells me, this petite girl, and earnest, about her job. She’s working just now in

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Oct 23, 2012

Columnist has questions for the Romneys, but won’t be taking any pictures

It’s the season for celebrity sightings. Not that I’ve seen any, mind you, but folks I know have had some excitement. In our small town, we’re not exactly overrun with

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Oct 19, 2012

Of bravery and Buddha, winter and spring

After he’s gone and I’ve written a bit, I pack my girlish backpack, grab my BOP (Bright Orange Purse) and dash over to his office. He waves me back to

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Oct 16, 2012

Many hats to wear – and they don’t all have glitter

I should count them all up. I really should. Bartholomew Cubbins did once, and his number was 500. “You think that’s a lot,” I wanted to say the other day

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Oct 15, 2012

What to do with “what if’s” (and how to fly)

The steam, it rises, curling toward ceiling, twirling past bricks. Hand wrapped ’round its warmth, I whisper prayers into my mug, breathing petitions all quiet to the One Who Hears.

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Oct 12, 2012

Three truth words when life gets hard

I’m drinking it in, this wild beauty. For a soul in the heat of battle, it’s beauty that heals. That calms. Restores. Renews. Creation’s shouting praise, and the trees afire

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Oct 10, 2012

Gooey Goodness Pleases a Picky Palate

If I’d put together a line-up of the local Picky Eater Suspects from the Official Picky Eaters Registry, you wouldn’t finger this fellow. You’d pick someone else, like the smaller

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Oct 09, 2012

Mother’s interview experience could lead to presidential debates

She could’ve knocked me over with a feather. “Hey,” she’d said in a breezy email, “I have a last-minute scheduling conflict. Could you host the show? It’ll be easy.” It

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Oct 08, 2012

What one mother can do

The substitute teacher, she calls them over. They gather, bodies squirming, on the story rug with squares. Row upon row, they “criss-cross applesauce,” eager for the story to come. I

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