Author: support


Sep 04, 2012

Measure of love is a cup of cold water, a place at the table

Backpacks drop. Shoes, they plop. Words rush and tumble, ordinary moments weaving, thread like, on the loom, shuttle passing back and forth. And then it comes. “They’ve abandoned us,” he

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Aug 30, 2012

When He knows your name

I’ve learned to pick them out. These “folks of a certain age,” they stroll in early, usually packing laptops to surf the ‘net and check email as they eat a

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Aug 28, 2012

This just in from the newsroom in Wakarusa

“It’s a freeway out there,” she said, pointing at the road where a slew of soccer moms whizzed past. “During the summer, it slows down. Then school starts, and it’s

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Aug 23, 2012

Mommy’s out, I’m in

Oh, hi. You look like one of Mommy’s friends. She’s not around right now.  She said her brain is frazzled and she’s terribly busy, so she asked me to say

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Aug 21, 2012

A ‘Gift Unexpected’ teaches lessons, spreads joy

Finding out that you’re expecting when you weren’t expecting it is so shocking and, well, unexpected that it takes awhile to wrap your brain around it. Which, as we learned,

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Aug 17, 2012

World, Please Be Kind

And he’s gone.  There he went, backpack on a tiny frame, swallowed up by a big, yellow bus that rolled to a stop, brakes screeching, on a cool August day

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Aug 16, 2012

And in other news

She noted with obvious satisfaction the riotous purple, pink and white impatiens marching along the front of the chicken coop.  “All that color just makes me happy,” she said with

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Aug 14, 2012

“Dear Mr. Schrock,” or, the letter I didn’t write

“Dear Mr. Schrock.” That’s how they always began. Written by me, beleaguered housewife and mother of his children, it was my SOS, a twenty-first century smoke signal to The Mister

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Aug 13, 2012

Ninety-and-nine plus one

We chat then, coffee scent curling like ribbons through the air. The baristas, they bustle behind the counter. Doors open and close, patrons coming in, going out, finding fuel, finding

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Aug 10, 2012

Which just makes me happy

I laugh. “If it pours,” I say, “I’m going back. Turning around and running.” The Mister, he’s done it before. Run the road in the pouring rain, shoes squishing, clothes

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