Author: support


Mar 23, 2012

Cleaning up the world, one pair of jeans at a time

Over the years, our four boys have been responsible for the biggest transfer of real estate in the civilized world.  As in the dirt that comes into my back room

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Mar 20, 2012

Like waffles and spaghetti – opposites attract

Another significant area of philosophical difference centers around our deepest convictions on the place of coffee in our world view.  When you grind it up and boil it down, he’s

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Mar 13, 2012

“Hero Dad,” sure, but mom needs an action figure, too

Frankly, I think mothers deserve an action figure.  While daddies and kids seem to get by with two arms, mommies need roughly eight.  Sure, this will look odd on a

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Mar 12, 2012

Happiness? It looks like this

I don’t know about Mississippi, but it’s drippy here today.  Besides that, it’s Monday, it’s gray, and I’m tired.  It was this past weekend that daylight savings time hit, costing

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Mar 09, 2012

Gently He leads

“Yes.”  One word, falling to my desk like a stone; a rock; a chunk of ice.  For years, I’d driven past the school, Baby Boy strapped in behind me.  I’d

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Mar 08, 2012

Snips and snails and – monkey tails?

Around here, big things have been happening.  The tachometer for this year, 2012, is in the red, and as I told The Mister last night, “Just think – back in

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Mar 06, 2012

Parenting is like a 20-year political debate


Feb 29, 2012

When Father’s front and center

“Okay,” I said. “I’m finking,” he said, “of something that has feathers and wings and a beak.”  He peered at me, eager, excited, anticipation tracing across his features.  Would Mama

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Feb 28, 2012

Male and female differences apparent in The Great Purse Debate

It happened the other night. There I was, scrabbling around in my handbag, trying to find the Chapstick. Digging, digging, blood pressure rising… From the bowels of the closet, this

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Feb 23, 2012

I may not be Bartholomew, but I think I’ve got his hats

I didn’t know when I said “I do” that what I was really saying was, “From here on out and forever more, I am no longer just a cheerful, carefree

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