Author: support


Aug 30, 2011

Disney’s chief Imagineer encourages young man’s dream

It came on an ordinary day, the missive did.  Somewhere around nine, an envelope of white with a stamp in the right upper corner was quietly dropped into the box

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Aug 29, 2011

Oh, baby!

“Lord, please let me go see the babies.” It’d been almost three years since we’d been home (that being the wheat fields of Kansas), and I was feeling it.  My

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Aug 24, 2011

Name that column

For nearly four years, I’ve been writing about – well, life.  Life through my funny eyes.  And for nearly four years, you’ve laughed along.  You’ve cheered our ups (potty training)

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Aug 23, 2011

Writer’s block strikes hard at this not-a-monastery home

Dear writer’s block, How I loathe thee. How thou complicatest my life, causing days of anxiety, nights of unrest, shingles, hives, and the twitch in my left leg. I toss

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Aug 22, 2011

Naughty and nice

“He’s gonna find out who’s naughty and nice.  Santa Claus is comin’ to town.” Just coming off a crazy summer with 4 sons (ages 21, 18, 12, and 5), there’s

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Aug 17, 2011

When you don’t really know “what’s in your hand”

I’d uncovered the general categories of my gifting, but where did they fit?  I didn’t have a clue.  All I knew was it had something to do with “encouragement,” “exhortation,”

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Aug 16, 2011

Brotherhood of the Traveling Pants ready for summer wrap up

  Boy Two had found four large mirrors at his dad’s office and had schlepped them home.  “What in the world?” I’d said, finding them atop the dryer.  He’d grinned

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Aug 15, 2011

Mountains, miracles, and Monday papers

Of mountains.  Of miracles.  Of Monday papers.  Of great, big dreams and a time tomove.  That’s what’s on my mind this morning. It’s column day today.  Driving to the coffee

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Aug 12, 2011

“What’s that in your hand?”

It was Lee, our friend from church who’d burst energetically into our lives some years back.  An empty nester, she’d adopted us, pulling us right into her heart and life,

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Aug 09, 2011

I’ve got dreams, too, Dr. King

There’s no picket fence, and the birds that twitter overhead are the same ones that poo on the car down below.  Whose owner, by the way, does not “heart” that. 

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