Author: support


Jan 17, 2011

You know you should, but it’s just no fun

Ever notice that many of the things we know we should do just aren’t much fun? Or that the things we know we shouldn’t do are lots of fun? And

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Jan 15, 2011

A 10-year-old talks about love

On Wednesday, Gabe and I went on a “‘benture (adventure).” While Mama spoke to the Kiwanis Club at the Essenhaus, he went to Aunt ‘Risa’s house, tiny tin Bob the

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Jan 14, 2011

Like an olive tree, flourishing

It’s writing day today.  Which means that once more, I packed my books and dreams in that burgundy backpack, grabbed my keys and phone, and headed south.  We drove in silence

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Jan 13, 2011

Make me a “Word” girl

I’ve always been a “words” girl.  Since at least age six when I began my love affair with newspapers, reporting the day’s news to my startled parents, I’ve been a

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Jan 11, 2011

Family makes happy Christmas memories in Tennessee

Knowing that at least one other contingent from our community was also in the area, we murmured to one another, speculating that perhaps the northerners had brought the snow along. 

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Jan 10, 2011

Mr. Coffee, I love you

Speaking of white…that would be white as in snow.  Lots and lots of snow.  The kind that shouts, “Snow emergency!” and can get you a ticket if you try running

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Jan 07, 2011

And The Lively One goes to – college?

One of my favorite prayers that I offer up when making a decision or thinking of the future is this:  “Lord, open all the right doors and close all the wrong ones.” 

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Jan 06, 2011

Dude, it’s a gift

If you know our family, whether through friendship, family ties, or simply by reading the column or blog, you know of the unexpected gift we received 4-1/2 years ago.  Thinking

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Jan 05, 2011

I really love you (whack!)

Here on the reservation, things are nearly back to normal.  Oh, the tree is still up and the warmth of Christmas still lingers in my thoughts, but real life encroaches

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Jan 04, 2011

“That’s what I fink” and other kid-isms