Author: support


Jan 03, 2011

Carrying Christ into the ordinary

After taking an extensive and much-needed break from blogging and social networking over the holidays, Monday has come, bringing that yellow bus, a new column begging to be written, and a

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Dec 30, 2010

The State of the Union? It’s strong


Dec 23, 2010

In the chaos, remembering

Chaos.  Uproar.  Shouting.  Banging.  Plotting.  Planning.  Clacking.  Calling.  Praying. It’s full-bore Christmas season at the Schrock household.  As The Mister diligently labors, unhindered by the sounds of shouting and the

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Dec 22, 2010

Merry Christmas – glory awaits!

The year 2008 was a hard one for our small town.  Those of you who follow the blog regularly have read of those events.  The piece I’m sharing today is

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Dec 21, 2010

Unexpected came the gift

A thousand things rushed through our minds that night.  We were shocked, numb.  Fear came like a flood with a hundred “what if’s.”  What if this pregnancy went like the

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Dec 20, 2010

He sets the solitary in families

One of my favorite things about the Christmas story is the baby.  Anyone with a true maternal heart (or a paternal one, for that matter) will be drawn to a good

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Dec 18, 2010

Happy birthday, Mom

It’s the season of birthdays. We celebrate the Babe of Bethlehem with color and sound and joyous events. Families gather, and hearts are full. Speaking of families and speaking of

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Dec 17, 2010

You deserve it, Jesus

In this season of consummate beauty, there is little that can compare to the sounds of Christmas.  Last night, we, along with friends, experienced a beauty and sensory overload.  Mannheim

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Dec 16, 2010

Goodnight, little mouse

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, here’s what’s looking good to me today: You’ve heard of the recent sounds in the night (i.e., the skittering of ugly,

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Dec 15, 2010

Holy Ground(s)

Across the street from my husband’s office in a small, small town stands the coffee shop, a community gathering place for friends and strangers alike. Right there on the corner of the

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