Author: support


Sep 07, 2010

Raising strong, confident girls – by example

After lazy days of freedom, barges of laundry, and countless pantry raids, the buses are back. This time, it wasn’t Thing Two shouting, “Go on past, prison bus. Go on

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Sep 02, 2010

Patchwork Thursday

The sound of the rain is welcome here.  All summer, the yard was green.  The marigolds grew bushy and tall as they marched along the edge of the garden.  My

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Aug 31, 2010

There’s a season for everything – including duct tape

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” These words of Solomon are true. I just wish he would’ve mentioned that some of those

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Aug 27, 2010

Thank you, girls

As I sat at the coffee shop and carefully read over your replies, I felt like I was reading your hearts.  You shared so much wisdom and insight into what’s

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Aug 25, 2010

Calling all girls (and those who love them)

If you are a girl, have a girl, married a girl, work with a girl, or know a girl – at all, of any kind – I need your help. 

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Aug 17, 2010

Writer switches careers, begins applying for federal grant monies

For months now, debate has raged across the country about the president’s fiscal policies. Every time we turn around, another large institution is being bailed out, and something else is

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Aug 12, 2010

Learning a “gratitude attitude”

What is happening is remarkable.  As I go through my day, something will happen and I’ll think, “Thousand gifts!  I’ve got to write that down!”  Like a bloodhound, I’m on

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Aug 10, 2010

The Great American Novel lives in the Schrock household

While my hatred of math began early (in elementary school), my love of reading began even earlier. When I started reading my hometown newspaper, the Hutchinson News, at the age

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Jul 27, 2010

Schrock household by the numbers (now these are fun)

Fox News, my favorite cable news channel, does an interesting segment called “News by the Numbers.” As I confessed last week, I’m a number hater. This is in contradistinction to

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Jul 20, 2010

In 43 years, life’s been full of surprises

Numbers aren’t my thing. I mean, they’re really not my thing. Starting in elementary school, math was the bane of my existence. My medical records, in fact, list algebra as

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