Author: support


Jun 09, 2010

Even the kings

His mother absolutely concurs.

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Jun 09, 2010

A touch of heaven

Yesterday morning, I stole out early with my mug of coffee to sit and watch the sunrise.  The clouds were tinted pink and orange.  The land was coming awake with

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Jun 08, 2010

This mom needs to be needed – times four

Moms need to be needed. From what I’ve experienced personally and observed in others, this is pretty much a universal truth. That’s why we cry at big events like graduations

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Jun 01, 2010

Doesn’t matter what the calendar says – it’s summer here

Lord, have mercy. It’s started already. While summer isn’t yet official by the calendar, it’s been here for weeks, judging by all the activity. As far as I’m concerned, Mr.

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May 27, 2010

A pointless weekend? I’m down with that

It’s got me nostalgic, actually, because number three just received his certificate of completion at a ceremony at the elementary school, and it’s off to junior high for him.  The

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May 25, 2010

Cell phones, technology “mixed blessing” for family

To quote the old Virginia Slims ad, “We’ve come a long way, baby.” Isn’t that the truth? In the context of modern technology, we’ve come a long way, indeed. Remember

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May 18, 2010

Family enjoys traditions, shopping at Indy Mini Marathon

April showers may bring May flowers to your neighborhood, but over here, they bring something else. That “something else” is the annual running, not of the bulls, but of the

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May 17, 2010

“That’s what Edison’s assistant said”

Me:  “You know what I’m hoping for tonight?  An Adventures in Odyssey.”  This is where the youngest three and I hop into our jammies and flop across our bed to

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May 14, 2010

“Statute of limitations,” my foot

As I’m a strong believer in “let sleeping babies lie,” I called B1 on his way home from work and said, “Can you please get B3 up at the school

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May 11, 2010

Celebrating the next generation

Showers of blue and sprinkles of pink. Little did we know when we embarked on our parenting adventure 20 years ago that the family forecast would read like this. Because

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