Author: support


Dec 03, 2010

In the dawn

It was right there, just where the sky meets the land.  There, in that thin band of daylight that splits the dark in two.  It was there that beauty spoke. After two days

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Dec 02, 2010

60 Days of Beauty

The exciting thing about this is that he’s issued the call to all of his bloggers and Facebook friends, which means that alot of NMC’ers (Nappanee Missionary Church family) will

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Nov 30, 2010

Counting one thousand gifts and uncommon graces

Grounds for Insanity column

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Nov 23, 2010

Differences between genders should be celebrated


Nov 22, 2010

What I wish I didn’t hear

“Skitter, skitter, tick, tick.  Skitter, skitter, tick, tick.”  You guessed it.  We have a new resident.  Mr. Schrock has reported two sightings, one in our bedroom and one in the

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Nov 18, 2010

What’s that I hear?

The word for today is “hear.”  Because I was feeling quiet on Multitude Monday, we’re going to go with Thundering Thursday and just mix things up.  From the Thousand Gifts

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Nov 16, 2010

Seeing divine appointments in everyday stories

In the predawn darkness I sit, sipping fresh coffee and scratching the next column on unlined sheets of printer paper. I’ve forgotten my backpack, the carry-all that I sling over

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Nov 12, 2010

What’s happening? Oh, nothing, really – nothing

Alarm rings.  Stalk, bleary eyed, to bathroom to initiate getting-dressed proceedings.  Note husband’s unenthusiastic response when his iPhone alarm sounds. Jockey for space at sink with husband.  Mutter, “This town

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Nov 11, 2010

“I’m just finking”

“No,” he said calmly.  “I’m not tired.  I’m just finking.” Curious, now, about what four-year-olds “fink” about, I put it to him direct:  “What are you ‘finking’ about?” Without hesitation,

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Nov 09, 2010

With NPD and World Psoriasis Day, there’s plenty to celebrate (go ahead – scratch that)

“Seventy-three shopping days left,” read a friend’s Facebook status recently. I nearly croaked. “Stop!” I wanted to shout at the screen. “Cut that out. It’s far too early for that

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