Author: support


May 10, 2010

What a pair of legs

For years, it was just Mr. Schrock running.  For the last two, it’s been The Mister and Oldest Son. To put it in perspective, this is billed as the biggest

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May 06, 2010

It’s a set-up, I tell you

“I am going to pound Kieran when he gets home,” he thundered.  “I found this (and he thrust the sheet of paper at me) on my computer.” “What’s going on?”

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May 04, 2010

News of cows, pigs, and potty-mouthed senators

It was the cows. That was the excuse that Ohio State University students gave their professors recently for skipping class. The excitement began when two cows escaped as their owner

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Apr 29, 2010

Sing it out

I sing.  I mean, I make up songs about whatever we’re doing or something I’m thinking, and I sing it to them. With Big J, we used to sing entire

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Apr 27, 2010

Mother offers conventional (and unconventional) wisdom about men and babies

“Men are babies when they’re sick.” This startling admission was delivered over the pulpit by a former bishop some years back. On the women’s side, there was vigorous nodding and

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Apr 20, 2010

Treasures big and small found on spring break

There may have been about three families in the school district that never left Olive Township over spring break. That may be stretching it a bit, but the point is,

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Apr 16, 2010

Local tea partiers should expect limited success

From San Francisco to the eastern seaboard, concerned citizens gathered, some holding signs, to let their voices be heard.  They rallied in Topeka.  They rallied in Muskegon.  They rallied in D.C..

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Apr 06, 2010

I’d rather be a typist than a – what?

For months now, a little four-letter word has been in the forefront of the national consciousness. Not to worry. It’s not one that would’ve gotten your mouth washed out with

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Mar 30, 2010

Let the experts make your excuses

According to a February 2009 survey of more than 8,000 workers, a full 20% said they are late to work at least once a week. A surprising 12% admitted

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Mar 24, 2010

Fascinating followup to last week’s column

Imagine my surprise and delight when I received a lovely email yesterday from Dr. Day, the Executive Director of the Indiana Council for Economic Education.  With his permission, I am

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