Author: support


Dec 22, 2009

“Be it unto me”

How well I remember sitting that next morning in my quiet living room by the light of the Christmas tree and turning to the Scripture that this song is taken

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Dec 21, 2009

The light of fatherhood shines at Christmas

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” With these words, Isaiah, that

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Dec 18, 2009

That’ll preach

Take the other night, for instance. We were sitting on the couch, Mr. Schrock and I, and it was getting late. For whatever reason, the three youngest were still roaming

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Dec 17, 2009

Fudge? Cookies? Jammies? That’s therapy

“EC, BR, BHM, and 8 others like this.” This was my Facebook status one day after we’d spent an entire Saturday doing the very things mentioned above. Actually, it was

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Dec 15, 2009

The official Schrock Christmas Pudding recipe

Sure, Mary. Here it is: Schrock Christmas Pudding 3 cups whole (or at least 2%) milk 1 cup sugar 3 eggs, separated 4 T. cornstarch 1/4 tsp. salt 1 T.

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Dec 15, 2009

Happy holidays equal happy birthdays in this family

They say women go to the bathroom in herds. Well, that’s exactly how the Schrocks have birthdays. It may look a lot like Christmas to the rest of you, but

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Dec 07, 2009

Mother turns to stuffed-crust pizza for job security

Why, oh, why can’t I have a boring, unimaginative mind? Some of you have got it made. You just take life as it comes. You don’t borrow trouble by worrying

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Dec 07, 2009

Our favorite dessert

I’d not made it in eons, but when I was asked to bring a dessert to a party recently, this one came to mind. The boys were praying on bended

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Dec 03, 2009

“That means you should hit him twice”

Fuzzy math strikes again. Judging by the sounds that issued then through the door, so did Big Brother.

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Dec 02, 2009

How to neutralize a survey taker

‘Government guy’: Long, complicated question. Eleven year old: “Huh?” ‘Government guy’: “In other words, are you for health care reform?” Eleven year old, in his laid-back drawl: “Probably not.” ‘Government

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